Sunday, January 29, 2012

Midnight blues

Paar päeva on olnud imekaunid päikeselised ja pakaselised talveilmad. Kujutan juba ette seda blogipostituste voogu, mis Eesti ehtemeisterdajatelt tulema hakkab, kes kõik kasutasid võimalust heas valguses pilte teha. :) Pingutasin minagi oma poolelioleva töö ära lõpetada, et saaks veel hommikupäikesega pildid tehtud.

Keti tegemise õpetus pärineb Kelly Wiese raamatust Beaded Allure. Hea lihtne ja kiirelt edenev võimalus keti asendamiseks. See on muide ka suurepärane vaheaste metallketist (mis vahel on isegi liiga õrn ja tagasihoidlik) tahedama põimitud nöörini (nt spiraalne, ndbele jne).

Kasutuses vintage ehtekivid ja Jaapani seemnehelmed mulle tohutult meeldivas öösinises värvigammas.

We have had some beautiful winter days with shining sun in the clearest sky this week. I think this is one of the best features of Estonian winter, although it usually comes with -20 C and lower, therefore I prefer to enjoy it from the warmth of my house. :) BUT it also offers an excellent opportunity to take pictures under good light conditions and I am pretty sure most of Estonian beaders used the opportunity. I am looking forward to see all the blogposts that eventually follow. :) I myself desided to pull it together and finish a piece I was working on.

The chain in this necklace is very nice, fast and easy to do. Tutorial from Kelly Wiese's book Beaded Allure. I think it is especially useful for necklaces/pedants when metal chain seems too delicate and beaded rope too robust.

There are few vintage rhinestones and Japanese seedbeads used. I love the color - true midnight blue. :)

Saturday, January 07, 2012

Spark it up!

Säravat käesolevat aastat! :)

Uue aasta puhul alustasin minagi olulisemalt säravamalt kui tavaliselt kombeks. :) Eelmist käevõru tehes tekkis mõte, kuidas motiivi osast järjepidevat ketti teha. Katsetamine ei päädinud kahjuks triumfiga - tulemus oli liiga jäik. Seega kasutasin hoopis RAW tehnikat, Tšehhi FP helmeid ja säravaid hõbedasi Toho seemnehelmeid 15/0.

Käevõrule lisatud kaunist kinnist olen pikalt oma varudes soojendanud. Oleks ilmselt edasigi soojendanud, kui poleks lugenud Lori Andersoni blogi Pretty Things, kus ta nimelt toob esile, et milleks, MILLEKS soojendada neid imeilusaid asju - ega nad karbis kedagi ja midagi kaunimaks tee. :) Tuline õigus! Muuseas, täna peaks avanema ka 5th Blog Soup Party, millele plaanisin ennast üles anda; loodan fortuuna soosingu peale, et osaleda saaks. :)
I wish everyone a sparkling year of 2012! :)

To celebrate new year, I myself started up a little more shiny than usual. :) While beading previous bracelet, I developed an idea in my mind how to make a part of the pattern into a continuing chain. Unfortunately it did not realize as I wanted - the result was too stiff. So I did a lovely RAW bracelet instead using lots of sparkling Czech fire-polished beads and lovely silver Toho seed beads in size 15/0.

Clasp used in the bracelet has been in my stock for a while. I suppose it could have stayed there for an even longer period of time, but I happened to read Lori Anderson's blog Pretty Things, where she points out that it is most unuseful to buy beautiful pieces and then keep them all to yourself. Bullseye! It really will not make anyone or anything prettier when kept in a box in a drawer. :)

By the way - registration for the 5th Blog Soup Party should open today. I really hope Fortune will be on my side and I can participate. So I am currently keeping my eye on the blog to sign up when I have a chance.