Esmalt näitan teile oma uut vidinat - helmetöö karbikest. Varem maitsvaid käsitöökomme peitnud karp on täpselt mõnusas suuruses, 15x15 cm ja kõrgete (~3 cm) äärtega, mistõttu on seda palju mugavam ringi tassida kui tavalist, lamedat alust. Karbi kaas on magnetiga, seega püsib ka viisakalt kinni. Põhja panin tütre kampsunist üle jäänud villast kangast, mis hoiab helmeid väga hästi paigal. Kui ma õigesti mäletan, näitas Marcia DeCoster selliseid kommikarbist aluseid oma blogis - tal on neid kohe mitmeid paralleelselt kasutuses.
Nagu pildilt vihjamisi juba näha, olid töös seekord Preciosa kenad metallik-tumerohelised seemnehelmed. Siinkohal ongi ilmselt taas sobilik hetk kiita Preciosade kvaliteeti - parem kui Toho helmed, vaatamata sellele, et Jaapani seemnehelmeid peetakse kvaliteediliidriks. Kuna lähenemas on taas üks sünnipäev, otsustasin teha mõnusa pika nööri - oma kogemustest näen, et selline kaelakee on kõige universaalsem erinevate rõivaste juurde kasutamiseks. Helevikerhall ndebele kee eelmisest aastast on näiteks minu absoluutseks lemmikuks saanud. Sellel on muidugi ka suurepärane värv eri toonis rõivaste juures kasutamiseks.
Kee on samas tehnikas, mis eelmiseski postituses, õpetus Kelly Wiese'lt. Ripatsitena kasutuses India käsitööhelmed ja veidi kristalli - et ikka sära rohkem oleks. :)
First of all, I would like to present my new widget - beading box. It comes in a handy size of 15x15 cm and with high (~3 cm) edges - much more convinient than common beading tray. Unfortunately it's original purpose of holding hand-made candies wore out quite fast, but it does have a new life now. :) Some left-over fabric from my daughters' jersey was used to prevent the beads rolling around. Cover with magnet closes firmly and allows more enthusiastic movement around the house. Needless to say, I am extremely satisfied with the solution. I believe the idea is from Marcia DeCoster, who has several trays simultanously in use.
As already seen from the box picture, some dark green metallic Preciosa seed beads were in the process. I love their quality - Preciosas are much more uniform than Tohos, although Japanese seed beads are considered to be of top quality. Anyway - a gift was needed for the birthday-girl and I have realized that a nice long rope is one of the most versatile items there can be. I use my ndebele necklace very often. Still loving it. :)
The necklace is made in the same technique as in previous post, tutorial from Kelly Wiese; tangles feature Indian hand-made beads and some crystal for the sparkle.
Nagu pildilt vihjamisi juba näha, olid töös seekord Preciosa kenad metallik-tumerohelised seemnehelmed. Siinkohal ongi ilmselt taas sobilik hetk kiita Preciosade kvaliteeti - parem kui Toho helmed, vaatamata sellele, et Jaapani seemnehelmeid peetakse kvaliteediliidriks. Kuna lähenemas on taas üks sünnipäev, otsustasin teha mõnusa pika nööri - oma kogemustest näen, et selline kaelakee on kõige universaalsem erinevate rõivaste juurde kasutamiseks. Helevikerhall ndebele kee eelmisest aastast on näiteks minu absoluutseks lemmikuks saanud. Sellel on muidugi ka suurepärane värv eri toonis rõivaste juures kasutamiseks.
Kee on samas tehnikas, mis eelmiseski postituses, õpetus Kelly Wiese'lt. Ripatsitena kasutuses India käsitööhelmed ja veidi kristalli - et ikka sära rohkem oleks. :)
First of all, I would like to present my new widget - beading box. It comes in a handy size of 15x15 cm and with high (~3 cm) edges - much more convinient than common beading tray. Unfortunately it's original purpose of holding hand-made candies wore out quite fast, but it does have a new life now. :) Some left-over fabric from my daughters' jersey was used to prevent the beads rolling around. Cover with magnet closes firmly and allows more enthusiastic movement around the house. Needless to say, I am extremely satisfied with the solution. I believe the idea is from Marcia DeCoster, who has several trays simultanously in use.
As already seen from the box picture, some dark green metallic Preciosa seed beads were in the process. I love their quality - Preciosas are much more uniform than Tohos, although Japanese seed beads are considered to be of top quality. Anyway - a gift was needed for the birthday-girl and I have realized that a nice long rope is one of the most versatile items there can be. I use my ndebele necklace very often. Still loving it. :)
The necklace is made in the same technique as in previous post, tutorial from Kelly Wiese; tangles feature Indian hand-made beads and some crystal for the sparkle.