Oli selline kaunis hetk. Mina üksi kodus. Magatud ja vedeletud ka juba natuke. Ega's midagi, kõrvaklapid pähe, Upgrade põhja ja tegudele. Õpetuse järgi sedakorda. Ütlen ausalt, et algajatele ei soovita seda üksi ette võtta - ma olen veidike helmeid veeretanud, aga sellest õpetusest läbi murda aitas ainult eelnev kogemus ja teadmine, mis välja peaks tulema. Sealseid jooniseid on kole raske jälgida ja alguses on unustatud ka mainida, et teha tuleks kahe nõelaga (mis saab küll kohe ka selgeks). Ehk on kuskil lihtsamaid õpetusi ka. Aga igatahes tehtud sai ja nunnud nad on. Kuna ma ei suutnud otsustada, kas lipsukesega on veel nunnum või mitte, siis ühele panin, teisele mitte. Et nagu eristuks või nii. :) Kuidas tundub?
Once upon a time there was this beautiful moment - to be home alone. Relaxed and not busy at all. A perfect moment to put on headphones, Upgrade and do something useful. According to tutorial, this time. I'll be honest with you, this tutorial is not for beginners. I have done some beading and only managed thanks to previous experience and knowledge, what should come out of it. Drawings are really difficult to follow and you need to use two needles (not mentioned there, but quite obvious from the beginning). Perhaps there is some easier tutorial available in the world wide web... Anyway, now these earrings are ready and looking cute as ever. I could not really decide if a bow makes it even cuter or not, therefore decided to leave one without it. To kind of... drift away from mainstream or so... :) What do you think?
Once upon a time there was this beautiful moment - to be home alone. Relaxed and not busy at all. A perfect moment to put on headphones, Upgrade and do something useful. According to tutorial, this time. I'll be honest with you, this tutorial is not for beginners. I have done some beading and only managed thanks to previous experience and knowledge, what should come out of it. Drawings are really difficult to follow and you need to use two needles (not mentioned there, but quite obvious from the beginning). Perhaps there is some easier tutorial available in the world wide web... Anyway, now these earrings are ready and looking cute as ever. I could not really decide if a bow makes it even cuter or not, therefore decided to leave one without it. To kind of... drift away from mainstream or so... :) What do you think?
Ehh, mulle just on sellised õpetused lihtsad. Lihtsamad kui näiteks ainult tekstipõhised :)
Pallikesed on armsad. Mul oli ka mingi aeg organza-periood :D Mis puutub lipsu, siis see võiks seal kõrvarõngas olla küll. Sest see annab õpetusele miskit sinu poolt juurde. Aga ise kujutaks lipsu ette väiksemana, ja näiteks 3mm laiuse atlass paelaga. Ning lipsusõlmele annaks õmmelda ühe ehtekivikese ka...
Katrin - mulle on ka joonised lihtsamad lugeda kui tekstipõhised, aga sellel õpetusel on joonis üsna halvasti koostatud, st tükk aega tuleb numbreid ja tähiseid vaadata, et aru saada, kes kellega käib. :) Lipsu osas hakkab mulle ka tunduma, et ilma on kuidagi... paljas, alasti. :) Peab mõtisklema täpsema lahenduse osas, et lips kivikeste sära ära ei varjaks. Need sinu ideed olid head. :)
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