Ei mäletagi enam, kas olen rääkinud raamatust Das Perlenkochbuch? Autoriks Sabine Lippert, kelle blogi olen küll mitu korda juba viidanud, lisaks on tal ka Facebook'is lehekülg (blogist saab otseaadressi). Mulle tõesti meeldib tema stiil, olen varem ühe kaelakee teinud, sellest ka otsus raamat endale soetada. Mis siis, et mu saksa keele oskus on nõrgavõitu, joonised on seal väga head. :) Kogu tema stiil on tegelikult hästi loogiline ja arusaadav; ainuke miinus, et niidiotsi tuleb peita oi-kui-palju - sellel käevõrul näiteks ligi 50 niidiotsa - no on tüütu. Tulemus see-eest on suurepärane. :)
Värvid on esimestel piltidel isegi adekvaatsed, põhivärvina kasutuses Miyuki Delica 11/0 värv nr 1751. Selline punakas-pruunikas vikerläikega toon.
Mulle nii hirmsasti meeldib, et kui mingi asja kallal nokitsen ja valmis saan, siis tuleb mu 4-aastane tütar kohe vaatama ja teatab emotsioone vaka all hoidmata: "Va-pus-tavalt kaunis!". :)
Maybe I have already linked Das Perlenkochbuch to my blog, but that was definitely only in Estonian. This book is composed by Sabine Lippert, who also holds a lovely blogroll and is active in Facebook (direct link available in her blog). I do enjoy her style and have tried it out with one necklace before - that is why I decided to buy her book, nevermind my week German skills. Drawings are good enough. :) Sabine's design is very logical and understandable; there is only one downside - you have to hide very, I mean VERY many thread endings. For instance, in this bracelet about 50. Annoying, you know... But the result is worth it!
Color in first two pictures is quite adequate, I used Miyuki Delica 11/0 No 1751. It is kind of brownish red with AB.
I just love when my 4-year-old daughter comes to see some piece I am working on or have just finished and says with all the positive emotions: "It is simply gorgeous!!!".
Värvid on esimestel piltidel isegi adekvaatsed, põhivärvina kasutuses Miyuki Delica 11/0 värv nr 1751. Selline punakas-pruunikas vikerläikega toon.
Mulle nii hirmsasti meeldib, et kui mingi asja kallal nokitsen ja valmis saan, siis tuleb mu 4-aastane tütar kohe vaatama ja teatab emotsioone vaka all hoidmata: "Va-pus-tavalt kaunis!". :)
Maybe I have already linked Das Perlenkochbuch to my blog, but that was definitely only in Estonian. This book is composed by Sabine Lippert, who also holds a lovely blogroll and is active in Facebook (direct link available in her blog). I do enjoy her style and have tried it out with one necklace before - that is why I decided to buy her book, nevermind my week German skills. Drawings are good enough. :) Sabine's design is very logical and understandable; there is only one downside - you have to hide very, I mean VERY many thread endings. For instance, in this bracelet about 50. Annoying, you know... But the result is worth it!
Color in first two pictures is quite adequate, I used Miyuki Delica 11/0 No 1751. It is kind of brownish red with AB.
I just love when my 4-year-old daughter comes to see some piece I am working on or have just finished and says with all the positive emotions: "It is simply gorgeous!!!".