Sunday, July 08, 2012

As promised

prom·ise noun \ˈprä-məs\
a declaration that one will do or refrain from doing something specified

Kaua ma täpselt juba olen rääkinud, et tegelikult on mu ehted päriselt olemas ja inimesed saavad neid reaalselt päriselus kanda? Ehh... kaua. Aga parem hilja kui mitte kunagi sai täna tehtud paaritunnine (uskumatult väsitav) sessioon - kaks naist, väike tüdruk ja fotokas. Neist keskmine tegi poseerimises teistele muidugi täiega tuule alla. :)

Eks nii tooteesitluse, fotografeerimise kui ka modelliks olemise arenguruumi on, aga ikkagi said täitsa kenakesed pildid. Järgmisel korral, ma luban :), naeratan ma rohkem.

Pildid tehtud Raadi mõisas. Ehted, modell, pooled pildid - Seren; meik, modell ja ülejäänud pildid - Ketrin.

How long has it been since the first time I promised a photoshoot? Well... I cannot even recall the exact date. But better late than never we managed to execute one (unbelievably exhausting) shoot just today. Team was built of two ladies, one little girl and a camera - and must I even mention, who was kicking other two's asses on posing? :)

Although there is room for improvement in product presentation, photography and modelling, I am quite happy with some pictures. And I promise :) to smile more next time.

Pictures were taken in Raadi Manor. Jewelry, modelling, half of photography - me; make-up, modelling, the rest of photography - Ketrin.
 Just an intro, but if you insist - bracelet and necklace.

 Bracelet, necklace and not visible :) earrings.

 Love those shoes!

 Yep, same earrings.

This slightly blurry and kind of fox-looking me is wearing bracelet and earrings.

I'll be honest with you - this picture is here only because I think my legs look good on it.

Bracelet, necklace and not-visible-never-mind-not-blogged-either-earrings.

Theoretically, there is a necklace on the picture.

If you zoom in (or take a another look at the first picture), you can also see bracelet, necklace and earrings.

1 comment:

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